Curso de Seguridad - FREE HAZWOPER Awareness (7.5hr) training - La Bruma (in Spanish)

Course Name/Curso: La Bruma HAZWOPER (7.5hr) Awareness class/Curso de Seguridad nivel Advertencia (7.5 horas). satisface el estandard de OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 (q)
Date/Fecha: Ongoing – to schedule classes, please contact us at:
Times/Hora: From 8:30 am to 5:00 pm/de 8:30 am a 5 pm
Point of Contact (POC): Philyppe Carré, office: (954) 262-1644, email:
Additional Information: Business Casual attire; sweater as needed to remain comfortable in class; you may bring snacks, water, coffee, or tea, etc. in a sealed container /Información adicional Vestimenta Casual de negocios; suéter para permanecer cómodo en clase; puede traer bocadillos, agua, café o té, etc. en un recipiente cerrado
Registration Process: Please e-mail your name, organization/workplace, e-mail address and phone number to to register for the class. /Inscripción - Por favor, e-mail su nombre, organización/lugar de trabajo, dirección de correo electrónico y número de teléfono a
Website/Sitio Web: La Bruma HAZWOPER - training course For Worker Health and Safety (OSHA), or visit the Florida Division of Emergency Management website: SERT TRAC for a listing of our and other trainings.
Thank you!
Philyppe Carré, M.S.
Project Coordinator - Projects SEAMIST/HazMIRTSI/La Bruma
Institute for Disaster & Emergency Preparedness (IDEP)
Nova Southeastern University
Fort Lauderdale, FL
office: 954 262-1644
cell: 954 205-7456